Low-cost system for the rapid diagnosis of sleep apnea, caused by the covid-19 pandemic
(application/pdf: 332.8Kb)
(application/pdf: 332.8Kb)
Auccahuasi, Wilver
Linares, Oscar
Benites, Nicanor
Arroyo, Sergio
Diaz, Monica
Fuentes, Alfonso
Flores, Pedro
Sernaque, Fernando
Flores, Edward
Mostrar el registro completo del ítemResumen
Sleep Apnea is one of the lesser-known pathologies that many people do not take into
consideration when conducting a medical check-up, but it is one of the indicators of levels of
fatigue, stress that are shown by lack of sleep, bad sleeping habits or other silent indicators
such as problems breathing when sleeping, snoring among others. In these moments of
confinement in our homes caused by COVID-19, where most of them cannot work, study or
do other activities in person, certain levels of stress begin to emerge in both adults and
children, these manifestations are shown in problems at bedtime. In the present work an
analysis is carried out on the possible consequences of Sleep Apnea, as well as a
methodology based on the use of Weareable Devices is presented, to be able to analyze how
our way of sleeping is and thus be attentive to any changes in the demonstrations at bedtime.
My methodology presents some previous steps for the configuration of the device, the acquisition of information when we are sleeping and the analysis of the results of the signals
captured at the time of sleep, the analysis is very intuitive. In this way we can know if we are
changing habits when sleeping.
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Cita bibliográfica
Auccahuasi, W. ...[et al]. (2020). Low-cost system for the rapid diagnosis of sleep apnea, caused by the covid-19 pandemic. PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt / Egyptology, 17(6), 1748-1753. https://archives.palarch.nl/index.php/jae/article/view/1053
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