Facultad de Ingeniería
Envíos recientes
Analysis of Deforestation at an Annual Rate in the Sub-basins of the Mayo River and its Relationship with Precipitation
(Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2023-05-01)Acceso cerradoDeforestation has long been linked as one of the most important causes of decreased rainfall in tropical forests, which are the most affected. This work has been carried out in the Mayo River drainage basin and aims to ... -
Alluvial gold mining, conflicts, and state intervention in Peru's southern Amazonia
(Elsevier Ltd, 2023-02-15)Acceso cerradoArtisanal and small-scale mining is one of the most degrading activities in the southern Peruvian Amazonia and its uncontrolled expansion has sparked conflicts over its exploitation, the distribution of profits, and their ... -
Influence of adding polypropylene fibers to concrete [Influencia de adición de fibras de polipropileno al concreto]
(Latin American and Caribbean Consortium of Engineering Institutions, 2021-09-08)Acceso abiertoSe estudia el efecto que tiene la influencia de fibras de Polipropileno en las propiedades del concreto, explicando primero las deficiencias que tiene el concreto sin fibras, y luego viendo la definición y propiedades ... -
Building poles and processes: An enterprise architecture plan for a telecommunications infrastructure company [Construyendo postes y procesos: Un plan de arquitectura empresarial para una empresa de infraestructura de telecomunicaciones]
(Latin American and Caribbean Consortium of Engineering Institutions, 2021-09-08)Acceso abiertoEn estos tiempos modernos casi todas las personas tienen un dispositivo digital que les permite estar siempre conectados; en consecuencia, las necesidades de interconexión se han ido incrementando con el pasar de los ... -
Model for personnel selection process using recruitment 4.0 techniques and digital platforms in times of COVID-19 [Modelo de proceso de selección de personal utilizando las técnicas de reclutamiento 4.0 y plataformas digitales en tiempos de COVID-19]
(Latin American and Caribbean Consortium of Engineering Institutions, 2021-09-08)Acceso abiertoEn el presente artículo científico se presentó un modelo propuesto para el proceso de selección empleando técnicas novedosas, tal como, el reclutamiento 4.0 junto a las plataformas digitales, las cuales, se utilizaron ... -
Optimization of urban transport in Lima applying the genetic algorithms Tabú and Colonia de Hormigas [Optimización del transporte urbano en Lima aplicando los algoritmos genéticos Tabú y Colonia de Hormigas]
(Latin American and Caribbean Consortium of Engineering Institutions, 2021-09-08)Acceso abiertoEsta investigación se realizó con la necesidad de conocer la aplicación de los algoritmos Tabú y Colonia de Hormigas de un punto de vista teórico del transporte urbano, con la finalidad de identificar el algoritmo más ... -
Application of the ICTs in the educational sector: a review of the scientific literature of the last 5 years [Aplicación de las TICs en el sector educativo: una revisión de la literatura científica de los últimos 5 años ]
(Universidad Peruana Unión, 2021-11-08)Acceso abiertoEl objetivo de la presente investigación es analizar y recopilar la información de los estudios teóricos y empíricos sobre la aplicación de las TICs en el sector educativo en los últimos 5 años. En esta revisión sistemática, ... -
Clasificación de imágenes médicas para la detección del cáncer de mama mediante redes neuronales
(LACCEI, 2022-02-11)Acceso abiertoEn la Actualidad no es fácil la interpretación de imágenes de mamografía y brindar un diagnóstico medico por un profesional de salud, Es que a pesar de la experiencia del profesional no se detecta al 100 % las anomalías ó ... -
Métodos algorítmicos para la optimización de rutas en el sistema del transporte urbano
(LACCEI, 2022-02-11)Acceso abiertoEste artículo muestra y determina los distintos métodos algorítmicos que fueron aplicados para la optimización de las rutas del sistema del transporté urbano a nivel nacional (Perú) e internacional, debido al factor principal ... -
Assessment and evaluation of student competences in virtual mode adopting the ICACIT International Accreditation Model
(IEEE, 2020-07-07)Acceso abiertoABSTRACT Currently the Computer Systems Engineering program of a university based in Lima, began its accreditation and continuous improvement process by the international accreditation agency ICACIT. For which, it requires ... -
Compliance assessment of ISO 21001:2018 clause 8.5 in the Systems Engineering Program of Universidad Autónoma del Perú
(IEEE, 2020-07-07)Acceso abiertoABSTRACT The Universidad Autónoma del Perú (UA) implemented its Quality Management System in 2015 achieving the ISO 9001: 2015 certification in February 2019. This certification covers all the processes related to student ... -
Detection of exudates in diabetic retinopathy images using boosting based algorithms
(Mattingley Publishing, 2020-06-12)Acceso abiertoABSTRACT Diabetic retinopathy is a leading cause of vision loss in developed countries. Regular diabetic retinal eye screenings are needed to detect early signs of retinopathy, so that appropriate treatments can be rendered ... -
Analysis of the level of attention and meditation in children, in the development of online classes caused by the covid-19, through a brain-computer interface
(Transstellar Journal Publication and Research Consultancy Private Limited, 2020-09-14)Acceso abiertoABSTRACT Online classes have become in these times of pandemic by COVID-19, an alternative to continue studying; applied at all educational levels, from schoolchildren to postgraduate studies through University and ... -
Edge detection technique on objects present in high resolution optical satellite images
(Transstellar Journal Publication and Research Consultancy Private Limited, 2020-09-14)Acceso abiertoABSTRACT Satellite images provide information on land cover, these will depend on the spatial resolution for analysis, in this paper we present a technique for image analysis based on edge detection using sobel-based ... -
Information security methodological proposal, for sending biomedical signals in rural telehealth systems
(Transstellar Journal Publication and Research Consultancy Private Limited, 2020-09-14)Acceso abiertoABSTRACT Information and communication technologies are revolutionizing the different areas of knowledge, and medicine is an area where the uses of new technologies are put into practice for the well-being of people. ... -
Methodology for the design and manufacture of devices medical, related to the sanitary emergency caused by covid-19
(Transstellar Journal Publication and Research Consultancy Private Limited, 2020-09-14)Acceso abiertoABSTRACT The development of medical equipment is related to compliance with regulations, with the intention of safeguarding the physical integrity of patients, being able to ensure that a medical equipment complies with ... -
Proposal of a methodology for the performance of functional and clinical testing of medical devices designed and manufactured by covid 19, through the use of informed consent
(Transstellar Journal Publication and Research Consultancy Private Limited, 2020-09-14)Acceso abiertoABSTRACT The effects of the pandemic caused by COVID-19, are causing the development of medical implements and equipment quickly, in some cases due to the emergency situation authorizations are being granted for the ... -
Proposal of interoperability of the different health information systems, as a strategy to improve the handling of information and decision-making
(Transstellar Journal Publication and Research Consultancy Private Limited, 2020-09-14)Acceso abiertoABSTRACT Health systems are in constant change, either due to technological progress or due to the same need produced by external agents such as COVID-19, which have caused an analysis of all the information systems ...