Now showing items 1-10 of 34
Multivariate analysis for the classification of chocolate according to its percentage of Cocoa by using Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy (THz-TDS)
(MDPI, 2020-11-12)
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Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy is a useful technique for determining some physical characteristics of materials, and is based on selective frequency absorption of a broad-spectrum electromagnetic pulse. In order to ...
Online-learning research courses during the COVID-19 AdaptationsStage [Cursos de investigación en aprendizaje en línea durante la etapa de adaptación COVID-19]
(LACCEI, 2021-09-08)
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Con el impacto del COVID-19 en todo el mundo, en el sector universitario hubo un cierre inmediato de las clases presenciales y un cambio repentino al aprendizaje en línea además de la generación de nuevos enfoques para el ...
Dielectric spectral profiles for andean tubers classification: a machine learning techniques application
(IEEE, 2021-09-21)
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Currently, the agri-food industry prioritizes the development of non-destructive methods, such as dielectric spectroscopy, for quality control. The obtained dielectric spectral properties can be coupled to multivariate ...
Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy for the classification of mature cheese [Espectroscopía de terahercios en el dominio del tiempo para la clasificación de queso madurado]
(LACCEI, 2021-09-08)
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Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy is a useful technique to determine some physical characteristics of materials, which is based on the selective frequency absorption of a broadspectrum electromagnetic pulse. In order to ...
Determination of the geographical origin of two coffee varieties by NIR spectroscopy [Determinación del origen geográfico de dos variedades de café mediante espectroscopia NIR]
(LACCEI, 2021-09-08)
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The objective was to implement a non-invasive classification system for green coffee beans by using near-infrared spectroscopy (NIR) and multivariate data analysis. For this, 4 types of coffee were analyzed, according to ...
Classification of the microstructural elements of the vegetal tissue of the pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo l.) using convolutional neural networks
(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2021-02-10)
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Althoughknowledgeofthemicrostructureoffoodofvegetaloriginhelpsustounderstand the behavior of food materials, the variability in the microstructural elements complicates this analysis. In this regard, the construction ...
Microstructural analysis in foods of vegetal origin: An approach with convolutional neural networks [Análisis microestructural en alimentos de origen vegetal: Una aproximación con redes neuronales convolucionales]
(IEEE, 2020-04-30)
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The microstructure is a factor in the knowledge and prediction of properties in food and the associated changes during processing. The objective of this work was to evaluate the feasibility of using a convolution ...
Detection of Vegetation Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Images: A Systematic Review
(IEEE, 2020-04-30)
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In recent years, the use of unmanned aerial vehicles for the development of agricultural and forestry applications has become popular. Given the importance of plants in both rural and urban environments, the ...
Effect of the Implementation of University Accreditation on the satisfaction of engineering students using the Net Promoter Score
(IEEE, 2020-02-05)
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The objective of the research is focused on the understanding of the effect of the improvement plans executed by the accreditation of Engineering careers under the SINEACE model in the perception of quality of ...
Holistic approach in the prioritization of critical repairable components [Enfoque holístico en la priorización de componentes críticos reparables]
(LACCEI, 2020-09-15)
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Las palas hidráulicas EX5500 son equipos críticos en los proyectos mineros a tajo abierto, y contribuyen significativamente a alcanzar las metas de producción. La disponibilidad de estos equipos depende de varios ...